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Rain Flowers
Sui Nakashima-6.jpeg

Gym ❤︎ Your Mind


"Are you ready for your journey of transformation? "

After spending a long time by talking about recent events and what happened, the topic changed to what is most worrisome at the moment for me, and while mixing with her own experiences, I had thoughts like this :Time for girls talk that goes on without stopping.


(omitted in the middle)


I didn't know what to talk about anymore, I did't know which way to go, so I gave up trying to find a solution with my thoughts,

then I was able to speak openly ,finally.


Through this projection, I was able to realize that this is the pattern of communication that I have been doing up until now.


In order to avoid feelings ,such as fear and tension about what people will think of me, may end up in thinking-type communication that is overly dependent on experience and knowledge. I am very happy that I was able to objectively experience how the openness of dialogue is hampered by neglecting to focus on the flow of things. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have such an experience that leads to great awareness.

A  -san /Tokyo, Japan 

Finally, the day of the session came. I wondered what kind of session this will be , what will happen during the session, I was a bit nervous !


But once it started, Sui led me through the points well, nothing was difficult.


Everytime she made a point, I was like,  "Yes, that's right !! How do you know ? ” . I rather felt a bit strange to be understood this deep by her without telling her much.  I was experiencing the joy of having someone who understood me at deeper level and that was jaw dropping experience for me.


It was a session where I was able to naturally convey to Sui things that I hadn't even talked to my best friend about.  At the end of the session, I felt a strange sense of fulfillment, as if I had achieved a new goal.

 I will do my best by following Sui's advice so that someday, I  will be able to say to myself, "I love you, N" without any hesitation.  I know everything starts from me, If I change from inside, outside world changes accordingly. I really want to become the person who can love herself truly and live the life fully.  

                                  N -san /Kumamoto, Japan 

Sui's comment : 

She has signed up for my one on one mindset coaching sessions in Nov, 2022. 

After a month and half , she gradually started to experience her change. Now she has no hesitation to tell herself " I love you, I really love you " which she couldn't when we had a first consultation in last summer 2022.   I am so happy and honored to be able to support her transformation journey . This is really exciting !

※She has signed up 4 weeks recurring sessions in November 2022. 


Q : Has there been any changes in you since you started sessions ? ( the way of thinking, feeling)?  (Sui)​ ​


Since I started Sui's mindset coaching sessions, I gradually began to believe in myself that I can actually make my dream come true ! I feel motivated andI  I started to be able to  believe in the possibilities that I can actually change how I live my life !

( my goal is to live abroad ! ) 

I didn't even think that it would be possible ,I was always telling my self, "I will never make it happen, just a dream" .  but that is not how I feel anymore.


Sessions with her has been helping me tremendous way to shift my mindset in positive way. I was also able to release anxieties, worries towards my financial situation. I was originally positive thinker  but I still had negative part (negative thinking towards myself , I was judging myself without knowing it )  I am on the way to release all negative thinking.  Even though, my life is not perfect yet, I believe I can change anything by using those tools !  


Q : Have you experienced any significant changes in your life since you started sessions ? (Sui) 

 My salary has actually increased. I am a  type of person who takes an action as they say, but I have become more so.  Overall, I began to  live my life more comfortably without worries or anxiety about my future.


In future sessions, I am looking forward to discover the talent that I didn't know I had and meet " new" me.  


M-san/Kumamoto, Japan

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