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"Gym Your Mind " was founded in 2022, based on my deep insight that I have cultivated through 20 years of acting training ,also, the wisdom that I gained through life experiences in New York since 2008. 

​"For some reasons, my life is not going well "

" I am not fulfilled but I don't know why " , " who am I really? " 


In life, similar problems always appear. Many of these are phenomena that the elements inside of us attract. Without understanding what is inside of us, these phenomena are unlikely to improve. It will appear over and over until you look at inside of you and change/release them and shift your mind set. 

How my session works? 

 I focus to assist on those inner parts of yourself that are difficult to approach on your own or the parts that you neglect in your daily life because you simply don't have time to deal with them (but these are the points that would make a big change in your life).


If you dig "the part" deeply where you have a problem, your life may change greatly, we will tackle those issues together and help you to shift your mind set. 


​​ First of all, you fill out a questionnaire in advance, and along the way, we will dive into the problem together or the part of your life you would like to change, give some tips or work to shift your thinking pattern. 



1. The session will be one-on-one 

 (online base, group sessions, workshop will be available soon)

(Note: This session is different from healing or therapy. Just because you receive one session does not mean that something will change drastically. 


Please note  that transformation can take place only through your own intentions (commitment) and youractions and most importantly, " continuity ".


You can think of me as a personal trainer of your mind, just like a personal trainer at the gym.  "Continuity "  is a critical factor to success for your transformation, yet we all know it is not easy.  Therefore, here I am to support you to keep motivating yourself to achieve your goal, ultimately, you will transform your life by shifting your mindset. Are you ready? 


~I definitely recommend it to such people~

· Often read success philosophies and self-development books and put them into practice, but I never be able to produce results.


・Even if you set goals, you quit immediately on the way. No continuity.


·  You have a dream


· Somewhat unsatisfied with your life


· Doesn't have a sense of purpose in life


· Worried about the future


· You don't know who you really are... 


· Lack of self-esteem, self -worth, self love. 

· You are worried about how other people see/think about you


· You want to change your life but don't know how

· You always compare your self to those around you


· Lack of courage to try new things

· You  want to have more confidence in yourself as a woman


· Weak will

· You want to overcome my complex etc. 


​Please feel free to contact us♪

© 2023 Gym Your Mind All Rights Reserved


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