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​Hello !

Welcome to Gym  Your Mind ( GYM) !

"GYM " is a place where you can train your mind by carefully observe and learn what you  think and feel, just like going to the gym to train your body. You can train your thoughts  by paying attention to them and your feeling and this will eventually lead you to transform your life completely. 


"Knowing " is powerful.  " Getting to know  who you really are " is the beginning of the change. Big change ! Without knowing , nothing will change, but once you decide and start  to look into yourself deeply,  you are  already at  the doorway of  your journey of transformation.  If you want to improve your life , if you want to live fulfilled life, if you really want to change

"the  pattern" you have,  don't try to find solutions  outside, instead, look inside of yourself closely, deeply.  Then, you will find the answer. 


Yes, it is scary, I know, this is why I am here to support your journey.

I have gone through my own journey myself , I know how this works and I am always amazed and fascinated how powerful our minds are.  I was able to do it so I truly believe everyone can do it. 


Once you can change inner self, outside world will change accordingly.  Why? because "YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU ARE". 

 Your inside creates your outer world.  


GMS teaches you tools , such as  : how to identify your blockage in your subconscious belief system,  how to  release and shift them into good thoughts, belief that will benefit you and furthermore,  how to make them a part of you. 

Good thoughts produce good emotions, good emotions lead to positive actions and attract positive outcome for yourself.


By  continuing this, eventually you will be in the situation like : "My dreams came  true !" or "I feel so peace and love myself so much, I always feel love around me! " , " I am comfortable being who I am always" , I believe I can do anything I want !"  

Would you like to meet your “true self” again, start to live an exciting, fulfilling life , discover your own unique “individuality” and become a happier self ? 

I am looking forward to seeing you all transforming from chrysalis to butterfly. 

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You are

what you think. 


if you want to change your life


Change old habits and thoughts

Make conscious choices/act accordingly 

Continue until it becomes part of you


Suddenly your realize your life has completely transformed 


Thoughts create reality

About Me.

Born and raised in Kumamoto, Japan. 

After graduating from university, Sui moved to Tokyo to pursue  her dream of becoming a model. After a while, she was fascinated by the world of movies and decided to become an actress.  During she was living in Tokyo, she studied Stanislavski System, Method Acting, Chekhov Acting Method at Aize acting workshop (by Mr. Ito)  In addition, she learned Actors Studio Technique at another acting workshop by Mr. Masahiko Kai, during that time, she also participated in a two-week workshop in New York  by Roberta Wallach,  who is a member of Actors Studio, this experience  inspired her to move to New York and pursue acting career globally. 


She moved to New York in 2008.  In 2013 she obtained an artist visa (O1 VISA) as a model , worked as a model professionally in New York. In 2018, she obtained permanent residency as an artist.   She continues to work on her crafts and auditions for TV shows, Movies (she is a SAG-AFTRA member since 2021 )  also expanded  her field of activity into corporate world in 2018. 


In May 2022, with the mission of helping individuals to shift their mindset and transform their lives,  she founded "Gym Your Mind ( GYM ) and provides one-on- one coaching session. Group sessions, workshops and webinars will be coming soon ( TBD) 

Mission Statement 

We are here to provide you  tools to identify, adjust and release the unfavorable thought patterns and beliefs that have been programmed throughout childhood, so that you can start to live your life as your authentic self  with self-love and self-worth.​

 We will be the guide for you to transform your life into more joyous, fulfilled with love and happiness. 

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